To inquire about media appearances, click here.

Kym Durham
Susan shares her personal journey and offers additional insights alongside fellow medium Kym Durham.

Allison DuBois
Interview with Medium Allison DuBois about the beginning of my mediumship journey and my connection with animals.

Coast to Coast AM
Multiple appearances with George Noory about animals and the importance of their presence in our lives.

Michael André Ford
Susan and Andre discuss all things angels, spirit and soul.

Canvas Rebel
Article featuring life & work with Susan Allen. An indepth story of her life.

Hello Ross!
Guest appeared on Ross Matthew's podcast "Hello Ross!" where we discussed the afterlife and our loved ones in Spirit.

Elizabeth Cantey
Interview with Elizabeth Cantey of Living Enlightened talking about why I love connecting with people in the Spirit World.

City Biz
Article featuring Susan's life, her spiritual gifts, and her special appearances thus far.

Interview with Eleanor Fleming from PA Real Life about Susan's life and how she came to realize she could communicate with Spirit.

Multidimensional Mom
Susan Allen joins to talk about animal communication, mediumship, karma, and the soul's evolution.

The Wisdom of Jacob's Ladder
Susan Allen shares how she discovers her gifts and how we connect with our loved ones and pets in Spirit.

The Dr. Denise Show
A multidimensional deep dive on panic, feelings, empathy & intuition.

The Skeptic Metaphysicians
Susan Allen discusses the past traumas of rescued animals, while striving to deepen the bond between humans & beloved pets.

Spiritual Shit
Interview with Alea Lovely about all things related to speaking with animals in Spirit.

The Jen Weigel Show
Jen interviews Susan Allen about how she came into her gifts after overcoming her overwhelming anxiety.

Path 11 Podcast
Michael Habernig & April Hannah sit down to talk about new age and spirituality.

Alternative Health Talk
Focusing on Susan's animal communication abilities and how she can help heal others.

Magic Is Real
Magic Is Real is a proof of afterlife-themed podcast hosted by Shannon Torrence.

Bring On The Woo
The Bridge between communing with animals & the departed.

Lily Dale
A class on learning how to love your gifts in Lily Dale, NY.

Psychic Evolution
Susan goes over how animal soul speak can connect people to their departed pets.

The Woody Show
Menace sits down with Susan to talk about her evidential medium abilities.

For all media requests please fill out the form below: